You can have our 1-sided inlay made with different materials. Each 1-sided inlay is produced with the latest technology and by experienced employees. The basis for the creation of a single-surface inlay is a model, which is used to produce the single-surface inlay in our laboratory.
For the production of inlays in one jaw, we charge a one-time basic unit of 51,70€. The basic unit for restorations in the upper and lower jaw is 78,65€. The basic unit per jaw for inlays, crowns and bridges is charged only once by us, regardless of whether you order one inlay or several inlays in one jaw from us.
The price for this inlay is 128,76€ plus basic unit. Unfortunately, there is no fixed subsidy for inlays according to dental prosthesis guidelines. Please note that the health insurance subsidy is granted on a dental filling, on the total cost (dentist costs and laboratory costs).
Our listed fixed prices are purely laboratory costs, in addition to which there is a variable dentist's fee, which we cannot verify without a treatment and cost plan. The variable costs include, for example, the possibly necessary post build-up for root fillings, for which a subsidy is also granted by the health insurance. You can find out the exact amount of this amount by visiting the dentist of your choice. If you have not yet found a dentist, you are welcome to make use of our nationwide network of dentists.
The facts:
Zirkon-xt is isostatically pressed
Over 65% higher strength values than lithium disilicate glass ceramic
The material is pre-coloured in the 16 Vita dentine colours A1-D4 and in the extremely light bleach colours Vita oM1, oM2 and oM3
Zircon xt - extra translucent zirconia:
This zirconia has an extra high translucency and incomparable colour reliability with lifelike aesthetics, especially in the anterior region, inlays and onlays (bending strength: 750 MPa)
Use with all-ceramic restorations,
3-unit small anterior and posterior bridges with one missing tooth, maximum up to the second small molar
Advantages of zirconium crowns and inlays:
Cement can be used conventionally, i.e. no adhesive etching technique is required.
Allergy sufferers often react to plastics and composites that are used in the adhesive etching technique.
Zircon xt has more than 65% higher strength values than lithium disilicate glass ceramic
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